Calendar Filter
Calendar Filter filters Joomla content using two modes: calendar and list. It ships as an Ajax based Vanilla calendar and a simple list mode.
System Requirements
Joomla 4.+
Joomla 5.+
PHP 8.1
PHP 8.3+
This extension can be installed as a typical Joomla extension and the installation package comes as a module and plugin.
How to install an extension How to enable one-click update for NorrNext commercial extensions
The system plugin has no options while module needs to be configured.
Module Settings

Articles Query Date — Published / Created. Select the filed that will be used to query the articles. Field — a list of custom fields that have Calendar type. Archived Articles — Yes / No. Should the archived articles be queried or not. Years Ordering — Descending / Ascending. Set how the years in the list layout should be sorted. Articles Link — If enabled, this parameter assigns link below the calendar with a menu item for quick return to the list of all articles (reset)
Calendar Options

Calendar by Article — Set the current calendar's year and month by the last article's year and month. Ignore Request — Yes/No. Ignore the request parameters set in the URL and use from the module settings. Type — 'Day' - in the calendar you can select years, months and days. 'Month' - available only months and years. 'Year' - available only years. Theme — Select calendar's theme. System / Light / Dark. Days Outside — Show or hide the days from the previous and next month. Week Numbers — Yes/No.
To choose between Calendar and List mode you need to go to Advanced Tab and select the right Layout:
Default (Calendar)
Bootstrap list
Uikit list
Last updated