How to enable one-click update for NorrNext commercial extensions

Joomla provides one-click update for extensions that can be performed on the back-end. Site administrator gets notifications about available extension updates and can update required extension.

All NorrNext extensions support one-click update feature. To use it in commercial extensions, you need to set Download ID for further updates of a product with active subscription.

Using your Download IDs on your clients' sites

Our software license allows you to use your Download IDs on the sites of your clients. However, you must tell your clients that:

  • Downloads and support for the software covered by the Download ID is provided by you, not NorrNext.

  • If they want to receive support and / or downloads directly from NorrNext they need to purchase a qualifying subscription on our site.

  • They are not allowed to use the Download ID on any other site or use the Download ID to download the software for any reason other than updating or reinstalling the covered software on the same site the Download ID was entered in. In other words, they cannot use the Download ID to install or update our software on any other site.

If you are no longer administering a site where you have entered a Download ID you must revoke that Download ID. You need to do the same if you believe that your Download ID is being used by third parties in an unauthorized manner. Please note that unauthorized use of Download IDs could have consequences with regards to your subscription with us.

Finding your Download ID

You can find your Download ID under My Download Keys page of our site. This Download ID cannot be revoked, it can only be regenerated. If it's regenerated you will need to enter the new Download ID on all of your sites.

Joomla 5 and Joomla 4

Native support for Download ID was implemented in Joomla 5. To enter or view your Download ID you need to complete the following steps:

  1. From the main administrator page of your site click on System on the sidebar.

  2. Click on the Update Sites link towards the bottom of the middle column on the System page.

  3. Find there any NorrNext extension entry on the list and click on it to open the edit page.

  4. Enter your Download ID in the Download Key area. Click on the Save & Close button on the toolbar to apply the Download ID.

Error connecting to the server: 403

If you get this error during updating the extension via Joomla Update System, it means your subscription to the product expired. Please renew or buy a new subscription and you will be able to update the extension.

Joomla 3 (reached End of Life)

Download ID in Joomla 3 is not a native feature so there are two other ways how our extensions support Download ID:

  • Any commercial components (like NorrCompetition) use Download ID that can be configured in the component dashboard

  • Other commercial modules and plugins (except ZOO elements and NorrCompetition add-ons) require our special utility plugin

Let's examine both ways.

Configuring Subscription Key in the component

To use one-click update in commercial components you need to add Subscription key that will be used to verify the status of product subscription.

Now proceed to component options (e.g. Extensions > NorrCompetition > Control Panel) and paste the ID to Subscription Key field and click on Update Key button. Your key will be saved and you will be able to update the extension via Joomla Extensions Manager.

Please do no hit Update Key button when key is already set. Otherwise it will be updated incorrectly. If you wish to update the key then paste it one more time and only after that hit Update Key button.

Please do not forget to clean the cache after you set the key: Extensions > Update > Clear Cache button.

Configuring Download Key in commercial modules and plugins

Commercial modules and plugins require Download Key utility plugin that helps to set/update the download key for extension. You can get it from My Downloads page. Go to User Dashboard > My Downloads and download the plugin. It can be installed as typical Joomla extension and is enabled automatically.

To update the key please make sure that NorrNext Download Key plugin is installed and enabled.

This plugin is not required for NorrCompetition add-ons that are the part of the package (e.g Participants module, Search plugin etc). They use NorrCompetition API to update the key.

Now it's time to edit module / plugin settings to set your key.

Proceed to Product Options > Download Key tab and paste the ID and and click on Update Key button. Your key will be saved and you will be able to update extension via Joomla Update System.

After entering Download ID, please click on Update Key button! And then save plugin settings.

Please do not forget to clean the cache after you set the key: Extensions > Update > Clear Cache button.

Last updated