These are general settings for entire file manager.
This is a conditional separation of file types into directories. Example folders in Windows 10: Desktop, Downloads, Documents, Images, etc. There are two types of scopes in the file manager: "Default" and "Custom". Each scope has its own folder, this as its starting point.
Default Scopes
The main 4 scopes that can be used on the website are: "Images", "Documents", "Music" and "Video". You can change the folder for the default scopes. For example, for the "Images" scope the "images" folder is used - you can change it to "media/images". Default scopes have an "Enable" option - after turning on the scope appears in the manager.
Custom Scopes
You can create your own scopes as you need. You can choose any name and folder for a scope. To control the sorting of scopes you can drag and drop them.
Scope Folders
You can assign a scope to any folder, or to an existing one, thereby turning the scope into quick access. And if you specify a folder that does not exist, the manager will automatically create all the folders in the specified path. There is no need to add slashes to the start or to the end of the path, because the manager will take care of it. You can specify the following variables in the path:
{user_id} - ID of current user
{year} - current year
{month} - current month
{day} - current day
{hours} - current hour
{minutes} - hours
{second} - seconds
{unix} - UNIX time in seconds
The manager automatically replaces variables in the path. Example usage: images/{user_id}/{year}-{month}-{day}
Max File Size
Maximum file size for uploading in megabytes.
Max Name Length
Maximum characters in the name of folders and files. If the name of the file or folder exceeds the specified number of characters, then it is truncated and a hash of digits is added ("_pxxxxxx", where x are digits).
If enabled, then the manager will add the postfix (hash of digits) to the name of the uploaded file ("_pxxxxxx", where x are digits).
Names in Unicode
Allow Unicode in folder and file names.
Check Archive
AIf such option is enabled, the component checks uploading file (zip, rar, tar.gz formats) and if the archive contains php file(s), the uploading process will be cancelled and the archive will not be uploaded.
Allowed MIME Types
The manager restricts uploads by mime types. If you try to upload file and manager displays an invalid mime type error, enter its mime type in this field and save the settings (keep in mind that different browsers send different mime types).
Please note that during the initial setup the list of mime types is empty. Do not worry. When you upload at least one file the list will be updated with the standard allowed types automatically.
If enabled, then the manager will show on the right side the additional data for folders and files (size of files in folder, number of files and subfolders, metadata of files).
Extended Metadata
In enabled, then the additional information for a folder will be displayed: total number of folders and files (with subfolders), folder size (with subfolders), etc.
Full Folder Paths
Show or hide the full folder path in the metadata.
Upload Area
To add more space for viewing files and folders you can hide the upload area and the “Download” button will be displayed in the toolbar. The entire manager can be used as the upload area, you can drag-and-drop files into the manager for upload.
Help Button
Show or hide the help button.
Show or hide the bar for JED review.
Last updated