Entry Form


Description This event is triggered in CompetitionViewAppform::display (site).

public function onAppformDisplay($context, $item)
    // Do something

Arguments $context - the context of the event, ‘com_competition.appform’. $item - the appform object.


Description This event is triggered in CompetitionControllerAppform::ajaxGetCustomFields (site).

public function onAppformBeforeFieldsAjaxDisplay($context, &$fields, $competition)
    // Do something

Arguments $context - the context of the event, ‘com_competition.appform’. &$fields - the fields array. $item - the competition object.



Description These events are triggered in CompetitionModelAppform::save (site) and in CompetitionModelParticipant::saveAppform (admin). If the plugin returns false for onAppformBeforeSave event then the application form/entry is not being saved to the database and transaction is rolled back.

```php public function onAppformBeforeSave($context, $table, $isNew) { // Do something return true; } ```

Arguments $context - the context of the event: ‘com_competition.appform’ or ‘com_competition.participant’. $table - a reference to CompetitionTableAppform object. $isNew - true for new application form, false otherwise.



Description These plugins are triggered in CompetitionModelAppform::save (site). If the plugin returns false for onAppformBeforeSaveTransactionCommit event then the entry form is not being saved and transaction is rolled back.

Please note that onAppformAfterSave event is triggered inside the transaction that can be rolled back. To make sure that all the data is saved use the *AfterSaveTransactionCommit event.

public function onAppformBeforeSaveTransactionCommit($context, $data, $isNew)
    // Abort save
    return false;

Arguments $context - the context of the event, ‘com_competition.appform’. $data - an array of validated application form data. $isNew - true for new entry form, false otherwise.

Last updated