NorrCompetition Contests

NorrCompetition Contests module displays a list of contests.

The module has the following settings:

Basic Options

  • Count - the contests count to display.

  • Count Per Row - the contests count to display per one row.

  • Title Length - if set then the title of the contest will be truncated till this value. You may set it when the title breaks the layout.

  • Category - the category from which the contests should be displayed.

  • Status - the status of the contests to display: All, Active or Completed.

  • Order - the ordering of the contests: Title Alphabetical, Ordering, Created Date, Start Date or End Date.

  • Order Direction - the direction of the ordering: Ascending or Descending.

Contest Display Options

  • Image - show or hide the contest image.

  • Description - show or hide the description of the contest.

  • Information - show or hide the information about the contest. If this parameter is set to hide, then all parameters below will not make any effect.

  • Type – show or hide the type of the contest.

  • Category – show or hide the category of the contest.

  • Link Category - display the category title as a link to a category layout.

  • Status - show or hide the contest status.

  • Created Date - show or hide the created date of the contest.

  • Start Date - show or hide the start date of the contest.

  • End Date - show or hide the end date of the contest.

  • Voting Start Date - show or hide the voting start date.

  • Voting End Date - show or hide the voting end date.

See live demo of Contests module.

Last updated