Adding Entry

Learn how to add an entry.

To create a new entry, please proceed to the entry list and click on the "New" button. A new entry form will be opened:

Adding Participant
Adding Participant

Below is the description of fields.

  • Contest – a contest that the entry should be assigned to. When the contest is selected the list of available contest fields will be displayed below.

  • Photo – is available when contest type is "Photo". The field for entry photo upload. After the upload you will see a preview photo that you can crop. This cropped photo will be used for display in the list of entries.

  • Video - is available when contest type is "Video". The input field for video URL. The following video providers are supported: YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Vine and Rutube. When URL is entered video will be previewed automatically in the area below the field.

  • Entry title - this field is connected with concrete contest and is defined in the contest settings. This is needed to correctly name the entry because it could be animated object like human, pet etc. or some inanimate object like car. For example, you have the following contests: Miss Universe – the title will be a name The Best Auto – the title will be a car model

    On contest selection the entry title will be displayed according to settings.

  • Custom fields - the fields that were additionally selected in contest settings.

  • State – the state of the entry: Published or Unpublished.

  • Approval – the approval state of the entry: Approved or Unapproved.

  • Grand Prix – assign the grand prix status to entry. This status can be assigned only to single entry within the contest. The entry with grand-prix status will be displayed separately in the list of entries when the contest will be set to closed.

  • Grand Prix Description – the description for the grand prix.

An associated application will be created automatically after the save of the entry.

Last updated