
The settings for contests unless they are changed in the specific contest.

Entry Form Options

  • Entry Count – specify the entries count that a contestant can submit for one contest.

  • Entry Approval – select which entries should be automatically approved (will not require moderation): None, New, Changed or All.

  • Additional Photos – if set to 'Yes', then a user can upload more photos that will be displayed as a gallery on the entry page in 'Photo' and 'Video' contest type as an addition to the main media.

  • Photos Limit – the limit of additional photos per entry.

  • Total Entries – the maximum number of entries for the contest. Set to zero for unlimited entries.

  • Entry Creator – if you allow submission of entry forms by unregistered users then you have to set a user who will be the default creator for these entries.

  • Captcha – show or hide captcha for unregistered users in the entry form. Please note that only Google reCAPTCHA v2 is supported. Do not forget to setup and enable reCAPTCHA plugin.

  • Contestant IP – if enabled then contestant's IP will be saved along with the entry data. IP will be displayed in the list of entries in the back-end.

Voting Options

  • Enable Rating – if rating is enabled then the users will be able to vote for entries. This parameter is working with active contest only.

  • Count Past Votes – If set to 'Yes' – all the votes regardless of the voting period will be included for counting the current votes of the voter. If set to 'No' – only votes cast after the start of the current voting period are counted. This allows you to organise several voting stages within one contest.

  • Vote Own – allow users to vote for own entries.

  • Unvote Period – the period in minutes during which the voter can cancel their vote (unvote). This works only if a user has permission to unvote. If set to 0 then unvote is not possible.

Contest Voting Options

  • Votes per Contest – the maximum allowed votes for one voter during one contest. Set to zero or leave empty for unlimited votes.

  • Vote Frequency – if you allow to cast more than one vote in contest then you can set the vote frequency. You can choose from standard options: no limit (default), once per hour, once per 6 hours, once per 12 hours, once per day, once per week, once per month.

  • Custom Vote Frequency – if the standard options of vote frequency do not meet your requirements then you can set the custom vote frequency for contest. This parameter will override the standard vote frequency.

  • Custom Frequency Mode – the mode for your custom vote frequency in contest: seconds, minutes, hours or days.

Entry Voting Options

  • Votes per Entry – the maximum allowed votes for one voter per entry. Set to zero or leave empty for unlimited votes.

  • Vote Frequency – if you allow to cast more than one vote per entry then you can set the vote frequency. You can choose from standard options: once per hour, once per 6 hours, once per 12 hours, once per day (default), once per week, once per month.

  • Custom Vote Frequency – if the standard options of vote frequency do not meet your requirements then you can set the custom vote frequency. This parameter will override the standard vote frequency.

  • Custom Frequency Mode – the mode for your custom vote frequency: seconds, minutes, hours or days.

Voting Check Options

  • Check IP – check the IP of the voter to prevent the unfair voting. If yes, then IP of the voter will be stored in the database.

  • Check IP + Fingerprint – check the IP + Fingerprint combination of the voter to prevent the unfair voting. This only works when IP check is disabled.

  • Check Fingerprint – check the Fingerprint of the voter to prevent the unfair voting. If the IP check does not turn up any matches, the fingerprint is verified next.

  • Check Cookie – check the cookie of the voter to prevent the unfair voting. By default the cookie expiration time is 1 year after the vote cast. It can be overridden for the specific contest.

  • Cookie Expiration – set the number of days after which the voting cookie should expire. Default is 1 year.

  • Tracking Data – if enabled then the voter tracking data (like user agent, language, screen resolution, platform, etc.) will be saved along with the vote. This allows to analyze it for possible fraud activity and to provide some useful statistics.

Integration Options

  • AUP Integration - enable the processing of specific AUP rules for this contest. Please install NorrCompetition AUP Plugin to handle the rules.

Last updated