NorrCompetition Entries

NorrCompetition Entries module displays list of entries.

The module has the following settings:

  • Mode – mode for the module:

    • Entries - standard display of entries.

    • Field - entries will be displayed based on the selected field value.

    • Grand Prix - entry with the Grand Prix status will be displayed.

  • Count – the entries count to display.

  • Count Per Row – the entries count to display per one row.

  • Contest – the contest which the entries should be displayed from.

  • Use Contest Parameters – If set to Yes then layout related parameters will be used from contest options. If set to No then you will need to define these options in the module.

  • Title Length – if set then the title of the entry will be truncated till this value. You may set it when the title breaks the layout.

  • Votes – Show or hide the votes for entry.

  • Voting – Show or hide the voting button.

  • Share – Show or hide share button.

  • Play Video – Allow to play videos or display thumbnail of videos.

  • Contestant – Show or hide a user name who has submitted an entry.

  • Contestant Title – Select how the contestant should be displayed: Name, Login

  • Entry Field – Select the field that value will be displayed under the title of entry.

  • Field Length – If set then the value of the field will be truncated to the specified number of characters.

  • Order – the ordering of the entries: Rating, Ordering, Created Date or Random.

  • Order Direction – the direction of the ordering: Ascending or Descending.

See live demo of Entries module.

Last updated