Field Types

Learn what field types are supported.


This is the most important field type because it is used for designation of contest entries in the component and related extensions (modules and plugins).

It is not possible to create a contest without this field.

The value of this field will be used as alias in the URL and as the main visual entry identification: in the heading of entry page, in the page title, as a photo caption in the component and modules, in the list of search items and so on. In fact its behavior is quite similar to the 'Title' field of the core Joomla components.

For example, if you have a model agency contest, and it is better to use a participant fullname for this field. If it is a pet’s contest, then for this field you would use a pet name.


General text field.


Textarea field type is used for several lines of text entry.


Calendar field type is used for date time entry.


Checkbox field type allows to select several values.


Radio buttons are normally presented in radio groups. Only one radio button in a group can be selected at the same time.


List field type allows to select only one value form the drop-down list.


URL field type is used for displaying a link to specified URL.

Custom fields in NorrCompetition are not the content types, as it commonly used in most CCK. NorrCompetition is not a CCK component and that is why the implementation of custom fields is quite simple.

Last updated