Entry Layout Options

Learn how to control the layout of an entry.

When you are creating or editing a contest, you can control a design of the entry page through "Entry Layout Options" tab. All options are inherited from the component options by default, so you need to set them only if you want this particular contest to look different from other contests.

  • Title – show or hide the title of the entry.

  • Contest Title – show or hide the contest title in the list of entry fields.

  • Link to contest – display the contest title as a link to a contest layout.

  • Contestant – show or hide a user who has submitted a entry.

  • Contestant Title – how the contestant should be displayed: name or username.

  • Link to contestant – if set to 'Yes', the contestant will be linked. You must create a content plugin for this to be in effect. See the document Creating a link to contestant.

  • EXIF – show or hide photo EXIF data on the entry page.

  • Share Buttons – show or hide share buttons.

  • Comments – show or hide comments.

  • Navigation – show or hide navigation between entries (next/previous).

  • Back to List – show or hide the button that leads back to the list of contest entries.

The entry page could be also enhanced by the content plugins. Read more in Using content plugins on entry page document.

Last updated