How to install sample data
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NorrCompetition has a nice Sample Data allowing you to get 5 contests of different types and test how it works locally. To do that, you need to install a Sample Data plugin.
Please log in to NorrNext site under your user account and go to download area (you need a valid subscription on NorrCompetition product). There you will find plugin. Just download it.
Note: The minimal system requirements: Joomla 3.9 and NorrCompetition 1.8.1.
Since Joomla 3.8 it is possible to manage sample data inside of the site dashboard and the new feature has 2 parts:
You need a plugin that contains the sample data.
You need an administrator module to display the sample data installation options.
If your site already has the administrator module published, you will see an option like on the screenshot below:
Note: If you do not see the Sample Data module on the dashboard of your Administrator Panel, it means the module was not added or has been removed. Read how to add it.
Now it's time to install the Sample Data plugin. Just do it via Extensions manager as it comes with the standard Joomla extension. Read the tutorial.
The size of the installation file is 31 MB, so please make sure your hosting params handles such size. Read more about Potential issues.
Well, we have installed the plugin and now it is time to install the Sample Data via the module. In the Administrator Panel you will see the following data:
Now just click on "NorrCompetition Sample data" and Joomla will install the sample data for you:
Note: The Sample Data requires NorrCompetition to have no contests, categories, entries, and fields. If you have already added something - please remove it including clearing the trashing can.
The NorrCompetition Sample Data adds 3 additional menu items to NorrCompetition Menu:
Now you can see 5 excellent sample contests: The First Look. Contest type: photo Show Me Your Smile!. Contest type: photo Tune Up!. Contest type: photo Beautiful Earth. Contest type: video Love Poetry. Contest type: simple
Here you go to test how it works. Good luck!
When the Sample Data is installed and you no longer need it, we recommend uninstalling the plugin to optimize the site size. (-31 MB). It can be done via Extensions Manager.
Go to Extensions > Manage > Manage
Enter Sample Data - NorrCompetition in the search filter. Check it and click on "Uninstall".
When you install the plugin, there might be the following potential issues:
The plugin installs too quickly (bear in mind 31mb file needs time for upload and unpacking).
You get 500 Internal Server Error or something like that.
It means there are limits on your server on file size and execution time and, when they're exceeded, you get the issue described above. To solve it, you need to increase the limits. It can be done via hosting panel, php.ini or .htaccess.
An example of limits change via the .htaccess file:
You have installed the Sample Data, tested the component and changed the data. Now you want to undo changes and install the Sample Data again. However, the module gives you an error message on one of the installation steps. To solve this problem, you should remove all data associated with NorrCompetition:
3 menu items in NorrCompetition Menu (Entry, Category, and Contest)
Make sure the trash is empty too. As soon as it's done, you can install the Sample Data without a problem.
If you have removed that module or uninstalled core sample data after the installation of your Joomla, now you need to add the module again. Just go to Extensions > Modules > select Administrator side.
Then click on Create, select Sample Data module and set the position to cpanel
and access to Special. Now, this module will appear in the Administrator Panel.
Now it will appear in Administrator Panel and you can proceed to the Sample Data installation.