Contest Layout Options

Learn how to control the layout of a contest.

NorrCompetition has flexible layout options. When you are creating or editing a contest in the "Layout Options" tab you can control the look of the contest page. By default all options are inherited from the component options so you need to set them only if you want this particular contest to look different from other contests.

Layout Options

  • Title – show or hide the title of the contest.

  • Description – show or hide the description of the contest.

  • Contest Start Timer – show or hide the countdown timer till contest start.

  • Contest End Timer – show or hide the countdown timer till contest end.

  • Voting Start Timer – show or hide the countdown timer till voting start.

  • Voting End Timer – show or hide the countdown timer till voting end.

Listing Options

  • ( 1 ) Voting – you can set to Show if you want to allow users to vote in the list of contests.

  • ( 2 ) Votes – show or hide the votes for entries.

  • ( 3 ) Share – set to Show if you want to display share button and allow users to share entry.

  • ( 4 ) Play Video – allow to play videos or display thumbnail of videos.

  • ( 5 ) Masonry – enabling masonry mode will allow you to have a layout without any gaps if the grid entries have varying heights.

  • ( 6 ) Entries – show or hide entries before the voting starts.

  • ( 7 ) Total Number – show or hide the total number of entries.

  • ( 8 ) Contestant – show or hide a user name who has submitted an entry.

  • ( 9 ) Contestant Title – choose how you want to display contestant: name or username.

  • ( 10 ) Entries per Row – define how many entries should be displayed per one row. Note that some website templates (front-end frameworks) do not support some values. For example, Bootstrap does not support 5 items per row.

  • ( 11 ) Entries per Page – define how many entries should be displayed on the one page.

  • ( 12 ) Title Length – if set then the title of the entry will be truncated till this value. You may set it when the title breaks the layout.

  • ( 13 ) Entry Field – the field that value will be displayed under the title of entry.

  • ( 14 ) Field Length – the length of field value in symbols. Useful for text fields to reduce the length of the text.

Example of Play video parameter:

Play video is enabled:

(5) Masonry grid enabled:

Masonry disabled:

(6) Entries - you can hide them before the voting starts. It can be useful when the participants should not see works of each other to avoid plagiarism.

(7) Total entries:

Completed Contest Options

  • ( 1 ) Contests per Result – define the count of entries with highest rating that are displayed in the completed contest.

  • ( 2 ) Grouping Field – the field that will be used to group the entries when contest is completed. If it is not selected then the entries will be displayed as a standard list.

  • ( 3 ) Entries per Field – if the grouping field is selected this parameter specifies the count of entries to display per one field.

Example of completed contest and grouping winners by "City" field:

Filtering Options

  • ( 1 ) Search Filter – show or hide the search filter that allows you to search by entry title.

  • ( 2 ) Ordering Filter – show or hide the ordering filter that allows you to order the list.

  • ( 3 ) Order Parameters – the order options that will be displayed in the ordering filter. If only one option is selected then filter will not be displayed.

  • ( 4 ) Limit – show or hide the limit box which allows you to choose how many entries should be displayed on the page.

  • ( 5 ) Limit Options – the limit options for the limit box (comma separated). The numbers should be multiple to the count of entries per page.

  • ( 6 ) Order – this option controls the default ordering of the entries. You can order by: Title Alphabetical, Ordering, Created Date, and Rating.

  • ( 7 ) Order Direction – this option defines the default direction of the order: Ascending or Descending.

  • ( 8 ) Pagination – show or hide pagination. Pagination provides page links at the bottom of the page that allow the user to navigate to additional pages. These are needed if the elements will not fit on one page.

  • ( 9 ) Pagination Results – show or hide the information about the current page and total pages. For example: "Page 1 of 4".

Other Options

  • ( 1 ) Submit Entry Button – show or hide the button that will redirect to entry form of the current contest (Show, Hide or Global).

  • ( 2 ) Back to List – Show or hide the button that leads back to the list of contests (Show, Hide, Global)

Last updated