

Description This event is triggered in CompetitionViewParticipant::display (site).

public function onParticipantDisplay($context, $item)
    // Do something

Arguments $context - the context of the event, ‘com_competition.participant’. $item - the entry object.



Description These events are triggered in CompetitionModelParticipant::delete (admin). If the plugin returns false for onParticipantBeforeDelete event then the entry is not being deleted.

public function onParticipantBeforeDelete($context, $table)
    // Do something
    return true;

Arguments $context - the context of the event, ‘com_competition.participant’. $table - a reference to CompetitionTableParticipant object.



Description These plugins are triggered in CompetitionModelAppform::saveParticipant (site) and CompetitionModelParticipant::save (admin). If the plugin returns false for onParticipantBeforeSave event then the entry is not being saved to the database and transaction is rolled back.

Please note that onParticipantAfterSave event is triggered inside the transaction that can be rolled back. To make sure that all the data is saved use the *AfterSaveTransactionCommit event.

public function onParticipantAfterSave($context, $table)
    // Do something

Arguments $context - the context of the event: ‘com_competition.participant’ or ‘com_competition.appform’. $table - a reference to CompetitionTableParticipant object. $isNew - true for new entry, false otherwise.



Description These plugins are triggered in CompetitionModeParticipant::save (admin). If the plugin returns false for onParticipantBeforeSaveTransactionCommit event then the entry is not being saved to the database and transaction is rolled back.

public function onParticipantBeforeSaveTransactionCommit($context, $data, $isNew)
    // Abort save and all transaction
    return false;

Arguments $context - the context of the event, ‘com_competition.participant’. $data - the validated entry form data. $isNew - true for new entry, false otherwise.


Description This event is triggered in CompetitionModelParticipant::getVoteData (site) and allows to modify the maximum allowed votes for contest. For example to provide additional votes for a user.

public function onParticipantAllowedCompetitionVotes($context, $participantId, $competition, &$allowedVotes)
    // Set the allowed votes
    $allowedVotes = 2;
    return true;

Arguments $context - the context of the event, ‘com_competition.participant’. $participantId - the entry ID. $competition - a contest object. &$allowedVotes - allowed contest votes.


Description This event is triggered in CompetitionModelParticipant::getVoteData (site) and allows to modify the maximum allowed votes per entry. For example to provide additional votes for a user.

public function onParticipantAllowedParticipantVotes($context, $participantId, $competition, &$allowedVotes)
    // Set the allowed votes
    $allowedVotes = 2;
    return true;

Arguments $context - the context of the event, ‘com_competition.participant’. $participantId - the entry ID. $competition - a reference to contest object. &$allowedVotes - allowed entry votes.


Description This event is triggered in CompetitionModelParticipant::getVoteData (site). If the plugin returns false then vote frequency check is being skipped. This allows to provide an immediate vote for a user.

public function onParticipantCheckVoteFrequency($context, $participantId, $competition)
    // Skip this check and allow to vote immediately
    return false;

Arguments $context - the context of the event, ‘com_competition.participant’. $participantId - the entry ID. $competition - a reference to contest object.



Description These events are triggered in CompetitionModelParticipant::vote (site). If the plugin returns false for onParticipantBeforeVoteSave event then the vote is not being saved to the database and error is being retruned to a user.

public function onParticipantBeforeVoteSave($context, $table, Registry $competitionParams)
    // Abort vote saving
    return false;

Arguments $context - the context of the event, ‘com_competition.participant’. $table - a reference to CompetitionTableVote object. $competitionParams - the parameters of competition in which a vote was taken.


Description This event is triggered in CompetitionModelParticipant::publish (admin) before participant has its state changed.

public function onParticipantBeforeChangeState($context, $pk, $value)
    // Abort vote saving
    return false;

Arguments $context - the context of the event, ‘com_competition.participant’. $pk - the ID of entry. $value - the value of the state: -2 - deleted; 0 - unpublished; 1 - published.


Description This event is triggered in CompetitionModelParticipant::publish (admin) after entry has its state changed.

public function onParticipantChangeState($context, $pks, $value)
    // Abort vote saving
    return false;

Arguments $context - the context of the event, ‘com_competition.participant’. $pks - a list of the primary keys to change. $value - the value of the state: -2 - deleted; 0 - unpublished; 1 - published.


Description This event is triggered in CompetitionModelParticipant::approve (admin) before entry has its approval state changed.

public function onParticipantBeforeApprove($context, $table, $value)
    // Do something

Arguments $context - the context of the event, ‘com_competition.participant’. $table - the entry table object. $value - the value of the state: 0 - unapproved; 1 - approved.


Description This event is triggered in CompetitionModelParticipant::approve (admin) after the entry has its approval state changed.

public function onParticipantApprove($context, $pks, $value)
    // Do something

Arguments $context - the context of the event, ‘com_competition.participant’. $item - a list of the primary keys to change. $params - the value of the state: 0 - unapproved; 1 - approved.

Last updated