Managing Entries

Learn how to manage entries.

You should use the item in the sidebar navigation or the icon on the Control Panel to manage entries that are created in NorrCompetition as you can see from the screenshot below:

Also you can use the menu Components > NorrCompetition > Entries.

You will see the list of already created entries:


The table is divided to the following columns on the list above:

  • Ordering – allows you to change the ordering of the categories.

  • Checkbox – allows you to select elements for actions.

  • State – determines the state of the entry. Unpublished/Trashed entries will not be displayed on the website.

  • Image – entry image.

  • Entry – the title of the entry. It depends on the field that is used in the contest for entry identification (read more about the title field in Field Types document). A click on the title will open entry edit form.

  • Contest – the contest to which the entry is assigned to.

  • Contestant – a contestant (user) who has submitted the entry form for contest.

  • Votes – the count of votes for entry.

  • Created Date – sorting by created date of the entry.

  • Approved – determines the state of the approval. After the submission the form the entry can get the "Unapproved" status (depends on component settings). It is displayed in the contest after approval only. See the document Approving entry.

  • Changed – determines the state of the entry. If a contestant (user) changes anything in entry form then the entry automatically gets the "Changed" status. But changes may not come into effect unless they are confirmed (depends on component settings). See the document Entry Data Comparison.

  • ID – sorting by unique ID for the entry.

There is a filter for the quick search by entry title above the list of entries.


With the toolbar at the top, you can carry out the following tasks:

  • New – it will redirect you to a new entry form. Read more in Adding Entry document.

  • Edit – there is no such an icon since Joomla 4 and later, but you can click on image or entry title to proceed to the edit mode.

  • Publish – allows you to quickly publish the selected entries.

  • Unpublish – allows you to quickly unpublish the selected entries.

  • Check-in – allows you to quickly check in the selected entries.

  • Approve – allows you to quickly approve the selected entries.

  • Trash – trashes the selected entries. Choose a "Trashed" state in the state filter on the left sidebar for complete deletion. Then choose a entry or multiple entries from the list and click on the "Empty trash" button.

Changing the order of entries

You should click on the ordering column to change the order of entries on the front-end of the website. It will become active. Then you should click on the action icon and holding a mouse button just move an element to the top or to the bottom (drag and drop). The order will be changed.

Last updated